COVID-19 symptoms that will exclude you from attending Smarty Pants include:
Fever of 100.4 or higher (or temperature taken upon arrival is 100.4o or higher)
Sore throat
Difficulty breathing
Diarrhea or vomiting
New onset of severe headache (especially with fever)
New loss of taste or smell
The following guidelines are code with the Maryland Health Department and MSDE Office of Child Care. These guidelines will be followed strictly. These guidelines are standard in preschools, child care centers and child care homes. By breaking these codes, you are breaking the law. Please remember that these guidelines are set up to protect ALL children, including you own, and the staff. Every parent must read and follow these codes. As parents, we all understand the trials of keeping our children healthy. Smarty Pants will try to be as understanding as possible but following these guidelines will ensure that YOUR child stays healthy.
• Temperature- oral and rectal temp 100 degrees or greater, axillary (armpit) temp 99 degrees or greater. Please keep your child home until fever-free for 72 hours.
• Signs of possible severe illness- lethargic, irritability, persistent crying, difficult breathing, uncontrolled coughing. Please keep your child home until a doctor's note states otherwise.
• Diarrhea- increased stool, watery and/or decreased form that is not contained by diaper or toilet use. Please keep your child home until 24 hours after last episode.
• Vomiting- Please keep your child home until no vomiting for 72 hours.
• Mouth sores- Please keep your child home until sores are totally gone, or unless physician states the child is non-infectious. A doctor’s note will be required.
• Rash- Please keep your child home until with fever or behavior change unless physician states child is non-infectious.
• Purulent conjunctivitis (pink eye)- Please keep your child home until all signs of illness are gone. A doctor’s note will be required.
• Head Lice- Please keep your child home until all signs of infestations are gone.
• Impetigo- Please keep your child home until a note from physician stating otherwise.
• Streptococcal Pharyngitis (strep throat)- Please keep your child home until 24 hours after medication is initiated, and until the child is a fever-free for 72 hours.
• Chicken Pox- Please keep your child home until ALL lesions have dried and crusted (no less than 6 days).
• Ringworm- Please keep your child home until not contagious.
• ANY colored discharge from eyes- (yellow, green, gray)- Please keep your child home until physician note is submitted.
• ANY color mucus from nose- Please keep your child home until discharge stops, turns clear or until physician note is submitted.
Please note that children who are too sick to participate in the full program, including outside play, need to be kept home.
Breaking any of these guidelines WILL result in termination of contract.